Broil King SIGNET 340
The Signet 340 features 2 cast iron grill grates, a Flav-R-Wave stainless steel exhaust system , 3 stainless steel dual pipe burners, an Accu-Temp precision thermometer, a Sure-Lite ignition system , and a dedicated interior bottle holder & side burner.
The Signet series is one of the most popular and offers a very large total cooking surface. With three stainless steel Dual-Tube burners you can cook a wide variety of recipes at the same time. The high-quality Therma Cast aluminum chamber retains heat sufficiently for roasting large cuts of meat, even whole turkeys. The Signet series is trusted by many fanatical roasters from all over the world. The Signet series will help you always have excellent and delicious cooking results!
- 11.4 kW power of main burners.
- 2.7 kW side burner power.
- Baking surface 67 x 38 cm.
- Auxiliary grill: 67 x 24 cm.
- 2 heavy duty double sided cast iron grates – new tilt position.
- 3 dual-tube burners (Dual-Tube) made of stainless steel.
- 3 stainless steel anti-inflammatory grills (Flav-R-Wave).
- Enamel maintenance shelf
- Thermometer (Accu-Temp).
- Linear flow valves with full 180° control.
- Electronic ignition system.
- Cast aluminum bucket & lid with stainless steel lining.
- Stainless steel doors & handle.
- Durable resin base.
- Stainless steel folding shelves with hangers for tools.
- 2 large wheels 18 cm.
- 2 wheels 6.4 cm with brake.
- Components with anti-oxidation coating.
- 10 Years Burner,
- 2 years other parts and paint,
- Lifetime Bucket-Lid