The milestones in the history and a time line with a detailed look at the events of our brewery. 1872 in April, the foundation stone of the new brewery was ceremonially laid, one year later the first beer was brewed and in December produced. 1935 introduction of the trademark “Náchodský Primátor” for newly produced dark 12° beer. With a short interruption this trademark in the form of “PRIMATOR” has been used ever since.„PRIMÁTOR“ používána dosud. 1951 the takeover of the brewery into the state sector as part of the national enterprise, Hradecké pivovary, Hradec Králové. 1993 as part of the privatisation process, the brewery is returned to Náchod and becomes a joint stock companyvá společnost. 2003 the brewery launches the technology of top fermented beer production, Weizenbier wheat beer is the first to be launched. 2009 the brewery gets a new private owner. 2013 the brewery receives the prestigious title “The Best Beer in the World” for the Weizenbier wheat beer at one of the world’s most important WBA tasting competitions in London.WBA v Londýně. 2018 the brewery launches its own bottle along with the change in label design
We take pride in maintaining traditional Czech brewing methods.