Briquettes 4kg are an organic product in the shape of a small pebble made of natural charcoal produced by the partial combustion of wood in specially designed ovens, and with the unique addition of natural starch (flour), which acts as a natural stabilizer.
This keeps the shape of the briquette solid and does not crumble easily. Due to its processing with the method of baking and not burning like charcoal, it is not carcinogenic and harmful.
It is a product of 100% natural origin which bears the seal of the international organization * FSC.
The wood from which the briquettes are produced, is collected from tree branches found in selected forest areas, which is why they bear the seal of the international organization. *{FSC -Forest Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization founded in 1993 to promote the responsible management of the world's forests}
- HIGH CALORIFIC VALUE: 5614 cal/g. Long burning time, up to 3 hours, with stable & uniform burning.
- CERTIFICATION OF CALORIFIC VALUE: With control & confirmation of certification of their calorific value, by a competent Public European Body for Controlling the quality of the product.
- ODOR & PERFECT for BBQ: Odor and smoke free, 100% food safe, (unlike smoking charcoal)
- ECO-FRIENDLY BAG: the bag containing the briquettes is made of 100% recyclable material, environmentally friendly.